
I do hope that by the time you read this that the weather has warmed up a bit and that the sleet and snow are behind us!

Spring though should be upon us! I always wonder at Spring when the bulbs come up, the grass starts to grow, the hedgehogs reappear, the lambs appear (this year with plastic coats on!).  There is suddenly an uplifting of the spirit – everything looks and feels better!

And this year, despite the weather, will be the same – there is always Spring after Winter.  There is always hope.

As we enter the season of Easter we enter a time of renewal. It is a time when we can take stock and remember all that is good.  This Easter-time I urge you to find time, time to look around, time to enjoy God’s creation in all its forms.

The Winter comes so that the earth and the animals and all who work the land can have a rest to build themselves up for the busy spring and summer.  For many of us though, it is the Spring when we feel the force of renewal through the sun, the warmth, the freedom that the sunshine brings.

I urge you to lap up the sun, the beauty of the earth, and, as you dream or gaze in wonder to remember that God is good, and that God is continually creating and renewing the whole earth – including us – if we let him and give him time!

With love