Promises to God

As I write I am beginning to look forward to the summer and the many events that will be taking place.  There are three weddings in June, and I do love weddings – they are wonderful times of joy and hope.  There is the Dolls House Festival with a ‘profusion’ of flowers – an exciting event for all ages – teas and a barbecue as well as a cheese and wine evening over that weekend (28-30 June).  Then there is the fete in July – which is action packed and sounds like even more fun than usual with the decorated wheelbarrows stirring up those creative brains amongst us!  Teddy bears too will be coming down zip wires from the church tower, nervously watched by their owners.

To start it all off though we begin with the Diamond Jubilee; didn’t we do that last year, I hear you say!  Well, yes, but…….  Last year was the Diamond Jubilee of the ascension of Her Majesty to the throne and this year it is the Diamond Jubilee of the Coronation of the Queen.  In fact it is 60 years on the 2nd June which is the day on which the Praise@4 Service takes place.  So, we shall be looking at the Coronation at this service and reflecting on what it means – why do we have a Christian Coronation service?  What do the symbols used mean, and what does the monarch promise?

All who make promises to God need help and that is why God sent the Holy Spirit – so that we can know the power of God in our lives.  This is one aspect of the Coronation – to ask for the Holy Spirit to give courage and strength to the monarch.  It is also done when one is ordained as a deacon or priest.  Again this happens in June – 29/30 June to be precise in this Diocese.  Two days before this we have our own local plea for the Holy Spirit to come amongst us – this time on the candidates being confirmed.  The Calne Deanery Confirmation is in Royal Wootton Bassett at 7pm on 27th June.  There are 8 candidates from Year 6 of Derry Hill School plus others.

So June is a busy and hectic month – filled with both fun and serious commitment, and celebration of commitment.  I hope to see you at some of these events – if not all!  The weather I hope will join us all as we share so much together!

With love.  .