The Spiritual Season

There is definitely the feel of spring in the air!  The daffodils are beginning to bloom – just in time for Mothering Sunday.  The primroses are surfacing in their many colours.  All in all the signs of spring that bring hope and a feeling of being past the worst part of the winter with better times to come are here.  The death of winter turns to renewal of life in spring.  It seems to come from nowhere!

Of course, it is no accident that at the same time as the landscape is changing from the dreariness of winter we are preparing spiritually for Easter – that wonderful festival – the most important in the church year, (yes, even more important than Christmas!).

Sadly, even though it is the most important season in the church calendar it is not the  focus for many.  Part of this, I believe, is the relief of better weather, thoughts of summer and relaxing holidays with family and friends.  And there is the lure of chocolate Easter eggs too after no chocolate, no wine etc during Lent!

So, people come to Easter with relief in their hearts and in expectation of enjoyable times ahead relaxing with family and friends doing the things they enjoy.

But what about the Spirit of God that dwells within each of us?  How do we care for it and nurture it?  The Spirit within us is important; it is what guides us when we pay attention to it, in our choices as we journey onwards.  This Spirit was first recognised on that first Easter Day when each person who knew Jesus well enough, or wanted to know him, were able to recognise His Spirit within themselves – that He was with them. It has been passed from generation to generation of believers ever since.

To enhance your holiday why not try and join in the Easter celebrations in a church wherever you are on 5th April.  Your spirit will be refreshed and your body and mental being too, I feel sure, will benefit from the experience.  If you don’t recognise the Spirit working within you now, you may do after making room for Him in your hearts during this holiest of seasons.  May the Spirit of God dwell deeply within you and be known to you, and grow within you this Easter time.

With love and best wishes always.