Go on – Give it a Try!

Dave decided to broaden my education last week and took me to see ‘white ball cricket’ at Trent Bridge.   England versus New Zealand – 50 overs each.   It was a One Day International, the fourth between the two teams in a set of five.   Up to that day New Zealand was leading 21.   To lose this match meant that England would have lost the series, so a lot was riding on the outcome.

I went along rather apprehensively, having never been to a cricket match before.   I had done no more than glance at it on the television screen.   I thought I would be able to do some reading if it all got too boring!   Somehow, I’m not sure why, I didn’t think there would be lots of people around me – possibly thoughts of cricket scenes in films where people sit on the grass enjoying a picnic whilst watching the cricket?!

As it happened the stands were huge and – packed!

Lots of cool bags and boxes were in evidence.   Beer was being drunk as if it was going out of fashion!   And continued throughout from 2pm until 9.45pm when the match ended!

The first half was interesting – for a while – but I found myself wanting to reorganise the fielders – three stood almost shoulder to shoulder behind the stumps on the off chance that the batsman would not hit the ball cleanly and chip it into their hands.   I believe these players are called ‘slips’.

Anyway, New Zealand batted first and after 50 overs had lost 7 wickets (Score: 349 for 7).   5.40pm – Time for tea!

The weather was threatening and England came out at 6.15 only to return almost immediately to the comfort of the pavilion for 20 minutes.   Being a rather competitive person I was concerned they would not have enough time to make their reply.   After a couple of overs which, from my amateurish perspective looked poor, things started to look up as 4s and 6s were rapidly scored!   I hadn’t expected the razzmatazz that went with 4s and 6s!   It was far from the sedate experience I had expected!   The music only abating when the bowler once again began his run-up to bowl.

As it got closer to 9.45pm – the cut off time – the crowd became more and more animated – Mexican waves – and cheers every time the opposition couldn’t hold onto a catch or stop a ball hitting the boundary!

Just before 9.45 relief came with another 4 – England had gained 350 runs and lost just 3 wickets!   England had won – all equal in the series, the final showdown in a few days’ time!

The crowds departed, in the main, merry and happy – rather like they do at football events – as they wandered back via the hostelries on the route back to the train station and car parks in the centre of Nottingham.

It just goes to show that you should really not trust your perceptions and should test them out!  You don’t want to miss out on something just because of the image formed in your head!  The reality can be very different!

For those who don’t expect to enjoy church in any shape or form maybe now is a good time to give it a try!

With love and best wishes always.