We-Culture versus Me-Culture?

It is the wedding season!   And, it has been a real experience for my family this month as Rebecca, my only daughter, was married in Derry Hill on the 7th August.   I recall getting married over 40 years ago and it being nothing like the event it was for my daughter.   My mother arranged everything!  In fact, apart from my dress and the bridesmaids’ dresses I didn’t have any inkling about the arrangements made.  Everything was organised, and delegated, by my mother!

Rebecca’s affair was different.   So many choices and so many ways in which one could create a bespoke experience.   So much effort was put into making the wedding very personal.

The Lord was kind, the sun shone and everyone I believe had a lovely day.

Although we can moan about the amount of choice available today through the internet, it was a boom for finding out what the possibilities were for trying to create the wedding experience that suited both the pocket and the expectations of those attending.   It allowed the creative talents to flourish in ways undiscovered beforehand.   Dave looked after the ‘paying’!   Rebecca baked the cakes.   My son’s girlfriend made some orchids,  Peter created a church from icing and painted many of the flowers …. and so on… We worked together, in harmony with one aim – to give our guests, and Rebecca and Thomas a happy and memorable day.   Friends helped with the flower arrangements, and with the dress.

So, for once, I see the internet as a good thing – a way of opening up God’s creative talent where it may have lay hidden.   It gave opportunity by showing the possibilities and it was seized with enthusiasm in order to make an occasion to be remembered!   But also a common purpose was key to working in harmony and an attitude of valuing the contribution each made.   It really was a shared day and I do believe that through working together for a common purpose our relationships became stronger.

Of course, that is what church is about too!   Working together in the love of God to fulfil his purpose here on earth.   That is the way to happy and memorable times!   Perhaps we could all look for new ways of doing God’s work by exploring the Internet and become stronger and happier!

With love and best wishes always.