Her Majesty

Celebrations are well and truly in full swing to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday.  We will be celebrating across the benefice the weekend 10‑12th June.  We just pray for good weather and a good spirit to pervade in all the activities.  Church-wise we will have a Flower Festival in the church 11th-12th June from 10am to 5pm.  On the Saturday evening we are going to have a Songs of Praise in church followed by a toast to the Queen!  The service will be a come and share experience!!  This means that you come along, suggest a hymn, and we sing it.  If you have a reading, then bring this too to be read.  We will end with prayer and the Toast.  Do come to this very informal event and take part!

The Queen and Prince Philip I truly admire.  I think their commitment and energy is amazing.  Who else do you know that is still working at age 90 and 95 (nearly!) respectively?  And they look happy and relaxed doing it!

They really are an encouragement to us all as an example of not allowing age to dampen our spirits or to give in to our ageing bodies but to keep doing all the things we have done until we really can’t!

Congratulations to Her Majesty on this wonderful occasion.  May she continue to reign with grace and dignity and be a light of hope to the commonwealth for many years to come.  At this time of uncertainty, it is the continuity of devotion and commitment to our country that can unify us.  Somehow, a single purpose is good for uniting us, it can overcome difference.  Other royal celebrations have done so, as well as other great occasions like the Olympic Games in 2012.

National celebrations are good for us, they give energy and hope for the future and remind us that life isn’t too bad after all!

May God bless her and all her subjects as they come together to share in celebration.  I hope to see many of you over the celebration weekend in Christ Church and at the Picnic.  All we need is good weather!

Best wishes