New Churchyard Guidelines

Salisbury Diocese has issued some new guidelines for our churchyards which will be of interest to many of you so I am including some of them below for those of you who visit graves.

A fuller version of these guidelines can be found on the Salisbury Diocese webpage under the heading “Churchyards, Headstones and Burials” along with style and type of memorials and headstones that are permitted so please do have a look at them.  However, here are a few pointers for those who are already visiting loved ones in the churchyard about what the incumbent can’t allow!

For the avoidance of doubt, the incumbent may not permit:

Mementoes and objects such as statues, toys, wind chimes, photographs and candles, which must not be fixed to, hung upon or placed with a memorial.  Such items must be removed by the incumbent or churchwardens, who may, at their discretion, allow such articles to remain on new graves for a period of up to 13 months.

No artificial flowers may be placed in the churchyard (except remembrance poppies between 20 October and 20 December in any year) and if they are so placed the PCC may remove them.

The PCC may remove wreaths and flowers and at their discretion if such flowers and wreaths have wilted or died or otherwise having regard to their condition.

Otherwise than as stated above no object or other thing may be placed upon or near a grave.  In the event that any such object or thing is so placed the incumbent or churchwardens must remove it.  A member of the family of the deceased should be notified of such removal (directly where this is reasonably practicable or otherwise by a notice on the grave) by informing him or her of the place from which the object or thing so removed may be collected.  The incumbent and churchwardens may, at their discretion, allow such articles to remain on new graves for a period of up to 13 months.

If you know of anyone who may be unaware of the above and acting outside of these guidelines, then please gently let them know!  If you are visiting a grave and any of the above applies, then please take action to come inside the guidelines.

With thanks and best wishes