
The season is cold and many people are hoping for a traditional white Christmas, a winter wonderland covered with snow and sparkling icicles.  In the dark evenings Christmas lights are aglow in shops, in streets and in (and on) our homes. Colour brightens the depth of winter and revives our spirits.  The final preparations (we hope) are all in hand,  Christmas cards are being exchanged, presents for our loved ones are bought and wrapped and the kitchen cupboards are beginning to groan under the strain of extra food and luxury items stored away inside them.  And children are counting down the days to Christmas morning, hoping that the special surprise that they have set their hearts on is amongst their presents.

The time for celebrating and commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ is nearly upon us.  In Churches and schools we retell the wonder of God’s love for us.  We tell the story of the King of Heaven, Jesus, who came to earth as a vulnerable baby because he loves us and wants us to know him and his purpose for creation and our part in it.  The King of heaven and earth laid aside his majesty, gave up his heavenly kingdom, gave up everything for us, so that we might know the wonders and benefits of knowing him – and in knowing him would open our hearts and lives to his presence.

When I was a child both my parents worked full time.  Like many of today’s families, it was a case of having to work to make ends meet.  My sister and I never doubted that our parents loved us and as we grew we began to understand that they planned their savings so that we could have that one special Christmas gift we hoped for.  My parents showed me that to love is to be prepared to ‘go without’ so that the one whom I love might have something special solely for their benefit. And, when I eventually had a child of my own, I gladly made sacrifices so that my son would have all he needed. Loving someone means giving selflessly without expectation of any return or benefit. It means wanting what is best for your beloved – and then you discover the joy of giving and that it is indeed better to give than to receive.

Christmas is about the gift God gives to us, his love.  He comes to us in Christ Jesus who shows us how to respond to the love of God the Father. His love can bring out the best in us – if we let him show us how.

At this Christmas tide may you come to a deeper understanding of Christmas and of the God who loves you.  May the peace of the Christ child be yours this Christmas.

