Welcome to June!

June is a month of a great deal of activity. It is the time when the barbecue should be out; exams well underway (and the end in sight); farmers hoping there will be a good spell of fine weather for the hay harvest; the changing of the clocks heralding the drawing in again of the evenings.

This is not the only change though this June. In the Christian Church we celebrate the Ascension of our Lord on the 2nd June with a service of Holy Communion in Christ Church. And then, ten days later, we celebrate Pentecost – more commonly known as Whit Sunday.

These two celebrations end the Easter Season – the season of resurrection appearances.   Jesus was seen many times during the time between the empty tomb being discovered and the disciples witnessing Jesus ascent to heaven.   And he was seen not only by the eleven remaining disciples but others too that were now disciples.

We celebrate the Ascension because Jesus is now reunited with The Father and interceding for us.   He promised that he would be with us always and that he would send the Holy Spirit to strengthen all who believe in him, to carry on his work.   The Holy Spirit carries within it gifts to give strength to discern and follow in the Way of Jesus. These gifts are known as Understanding, Joy, Patience, Love, Reverence, Courage and Kindness. At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus closest friends in Jerusalem but also upon those with them – 3,000 were baptised that day!   This day was the beginning of the Church and is known as the church’s birthday!

Christians believe that through Baptism the Holy Spirit makes the newly baptised an adopted child of God.   At Confirmation the baptised confirm their faith in God for themselves.   On June 15th at 7.30pm in St Bartholomew’s Church, Wootten Bassett the ancient rite of Confirmation will once again take place.   Two of our church members will be confirmed that day.   We pray for God’s blessing upon them and all who are being confirmed. May they grow in love for God and neighbour.
