Nature’s Cycle

As the children come up to the end of their first term of the new school year and the new routines take shape we no doubt start to look forward towards 2012!

But before we depart from 2011 there is a time of reflection as the year draws to a close with nature completing its cycle of life – animals start to think about hibernation, the plants have yielded their best, the leaves fall off the trees which begin their rest over the winter months.   Stately homes, and many activities dependent upon warm sunny days for their income also go into hibernation to prepare for the spring – the time of new life and of resurrection.

The Church is no different – it also marks a change of pace which leads to reflection during the autumn.   After thanking God for the Harvest we turn towards remembering those we have loved and have died.

This year we begin the Remembrance Season at the end of October where the Sunday nearest to the 1st November (All Saints’ Day) falls and the 2nd November (All Souls’ Day or the Commemoration of the Faithful Departed) falls.   This is the 30th October and we will have two services in Christ Church. The first will celebrate All Saints’ Day with a United Benefice Eucharist at 11am.   The second service will be a Commemoration of the Faithful Departed at 4pm.

Both services remember those who have gone before us and who have helped mould our lives into who we are today. (There is a third, Remembrance Sunday, which will be on 13th November).

The afternoon service on the 30th October though is particularly for remembering those in our own life time that we have personally known and loved.   We will remember them and reflect on what they have meant to each of us, and ask God for the comfort of his Peace as well as affirmation of the Christian hope for life eternal.

A list of names of the departed will be read out as part of the service. Anyone who would like to include a name on this list are invited to send the names via e-mail or via a telephone call to me, or to add the names onto a list which will be in each of the churches (Derry Hill, Bremhill and Foxham) from the beginning of October.   The service is anticipated to be no longer than an hour and I hope, and pray, that it will provide a comfort to many who are living with the loss of a loved one.

With love to all
