Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

I do hope if you read this before the New Year arrives that you will consider coming along to the Watchnight Service in Christ Church on New Year’s Eve.  This is something I hope will help us to enter 2013 full of hope and expectation of good things in the future!

New Year is a time of new beginnings and therefore a time too when we muster our energies to start afresh and improve on the last year.  Sometimes it is a matter of renewed determination to get things done that have been on the ‘To Do’ list for ages; for others it is time to do something that one has wanted to do for a very long time! – for yet others it is a time to rethink what they are doing with our lives.  Are we accomplishing what we ought or do we crave something new?  Perhaps our Lent Course this year will help you – inspire you!! (pun not intended!)

This year’s Lent Course is about ‘Journeys’.  You don’t need in depth Biblical knowledge to take part, just an open mind to discuss what journeys are and how they are the centre of our lives.  Where are we going?  Are we getting there?  Are we on a direct route or one that goes round and round without us getting anywhere?

Synopsis of the Course – This is our Story – Journeys of Faith:  Lent is a time, when we say ‘This is our story’: the story of the Israelites, the story of Jesus, the story we can tell about our own ‘journey of faith’.  We each have a story to tell and every story is different.

The themes for the six weeks are:

  • Lent 1 (Feb 17)

What does it mean to be a baptised Christian?

  • Lent 2 (Feb 24)

What laws do Christians have to keep?

  • Lent 3 (March 3)

What does it mean to us to share in the Eucharist?

  • Lent 4 (March 10)

What do Christians have to sing about?

  • Lent 5 (March 17)

What sense can we make of the cross today?

  • Lent 6 (March 24)

Can dying be seen as arrival at the promised land?’

The course has been written by Reverend Nicholas Sagovsky, an Anglican priest, who is Whitelands Professorial Fellow at Roehampton University.  Until last year, he was Canon Theologian at Westminster Abbey.  The link to the website is:

If you would like to take part then Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on 13th February 2013 and we will be running study groups during the period between 11th February and 24th MarchPalm Sunday.  I am looking for venues and discussion leaders and a broad set of dates and times to enable people to join in.

If you are happy to host or/and lead a course then please let me know when would suit you best – ie which day of the week and at what time.  Each session will run for around 90 minutes.  If you just wish to take part then let me know that too and I will let you know the dates, times and venues where the course will be held so that you can choose what suits you best.

With love and every good wish for 2013