Special Services

You will find below short descriptions of some of our special services during March as we approach Easter and then celebrate it.

Lent is a time of reflection, not necessarily giving up chocolate and those things we enjoy but rather a time for making room for change.  Change for the better, change to bring us more into the image of Christ each day.  Lent is a time for self-examination and discernment.

Just as Jesus was in the desert discerning the Father’s will for his future so too, we take time out to do the same.  It is a known fact, that to do without those things we enjoy so much – like a glass of wine, chocolate, or a nice piece of cheese at the end of a meal – can change the mood of the person ‘giving these things up’, it can make them anxious to go without – but also as they examine themselves and their reactions they can be more alert to the needs of those around them – or far away.

How do we use the money saved from missing the cheese, the wine, the chocolate off the shopping list?  How do we use the time that was spent eating it and shopping for it?  If we put what we save to good use to show love to someone else then that is exactly how it should be.  If it is just a matter of testing will power by giving something up during Lent then I’m afraid the point has been lost!

As we near the end of Lent we celebrate the gift of love as of a mother. It is poignant as we consider God as both Father and Mother and consider the sacrifice he made through Jesus to save all of us – His children – by giving us the hope of eternal life through conquering death.

If you possibly can, do come along to a pre-Easter event as well as Easter Day itself.  By being part of the spiritual preparations for Easter you will find Easter Day much more rewarding than you may imagine!

Happy Easter!!

With love


As relief from the Lenten preparations for Easter we celebrate those who ‘mother’ us on the 4th Sunday in the Lenten Season.  All are invited to come and share in our thanksgiving for those who ‘mother’ us and who show us love and care.  Posies will be blessed and given by the children to the adults.  Do come!  Services are 10th March 2013 at 9:30am in Bremhill, at 9:30am in Foxham and at 11am in Derry Hill.  All Ages welcome.


Francis the donkey will once again be with us on Palm Sunday – 24th March at 11am in Derry Hill.  Do come prepared to walk with Francis around the church and then into the church.  This year we are gathering old linen to put in the church on the carpet as Francis walks in – reminds us of the clothes that were thrown in front of the donkey carrying Jesus nearly 2,000 years ago!  All Ages welcome!

Don’t forget that there are two services in Bowood Chapel each year and there will be a service of Holy Communion with Evensong on this day at 6pm there.

Also, at 9:30am in Bremhill there is The Passion.


Plenty going on during Holy week (24th March – 31st March).  If you would like to join in a quiet service of prayer and reflection then do come along to Derry Hill on the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 7.30pm.  On Maundy Thursday at 6.00pm we will have a Family Christian Passover Seder followed by Holy Communion and the Stripping of the Altar at 7.30pm.  If you plan to come to the Passover Seder then please let Reverend Ann know as there is catering involved.  We want to have enough food and drink for everyone!  email: ea.massey@btinternet.com or tel:01249 817926.

Good Friday at 2pm we will walk the path that Francis the donkey trod the week before except that this time we will carry a cross made from the Christmas Tree.  We will remember the Stations of the Cross on our way and then erect the cross where the Christmas Tree had been.  This will be followed by prayers in the church and placing a figure of Jesus into the tomb.  We will then share Hot Cross Buns and a hot drink!  Squash for the children will be available.


In Derry Hill at 7.30pm on Easter Eve we will meet for a Vigil Service of waiting and watching.  This will last for an hour.  We will not celebrate the resurrection of Jesus until Easter Morning at 11am when we will celebrate with a Family Communion and decorating the Easter Garden followed by Refreshments and Easter Egg Hunt.  All Ages welcome!

In Foxham at 9:30am there is Easter Communion followed by an Easter Egg Hunt.  A similar service will take place in Bremhill at 11am.