Almost Christmas!

This last week has really shown a change in the weather – it is cold and wet, fences are blowing down and the leaves can no longer cling to the hedges and trees but lie lifeless as they carpet the path before us.  Soon they will be no more as they return to the earth to reappear as new leaves in our hedgerows and on our trees in the Spring.

This sequence of events leads us to thinking about winter and, in the gloom – Christmas!  The light at the end of the tunnel is the Christ-child coming amongst us; and it is just that – as the days start to lengthen the light grows stronger, and warmer, day by day amongst us.  Spring is ahead and with it new life and new beginnings.  Spring, we thank God, always follows Winter and always begins with recognising the presence of God amongst us.  New growth and new life is a wonderful sight to behold!

And this is true in episodes of our life journey on earth.  There are many times when we face huge difficulties which can consume us but as morning follows night we can also know that difficulties will eventually fade under the flow of the good times that follow at some point in the future, giving relief to the suffering we have been burdened with.  But for good times to come we must all do our part in the healing process that leads to joy – we must show love and understanding to one another – peace and goodwill to each other as we go forward on life’s journey together.

In our many services across the Marden Vale this Christmas we will express our own joy, and relief, at the expression of God’s love in coming amongst us in the form of the baby Jesus.  As we sit and ponder the Christmas message for each of us and feel the spiritual glow that accompanies it I pray that you will feel invigorated for the future, confident about the way ahead and at peace within your family and with friends and neighbours alike.

I wish you God’s blessing and protection throughout the Christmas season and always.

With love
