Remember Others

This time I am writing in glorious sunshine.  Oh, what a difference to the last few months.  It is lovely.  And you know; I actually met a farmer who said he hoped it would last until October!

But it has also meant that the summer events have gone ahead with great gusto as people have enjoyed the uplift that a bit of sunshine brings.  The Dolls’ House Weekend was the beginning of the change and it just got better and better.  The Fete went marvellously well bathed in sunshine from start to finish.

But it is not everyone’s cup of tea and whilst many of us are basking in the sunshine it brings difficulties for some.  The pollen count for one is not good news, heat exhaustion for others is a problem – recently I witnessed the need for paramedics in church as the humidity overcame one elderly lady.  We also remember those that are suffering loss and hurt and cannot enter into the joy of the warmth of a period of good weather.  For them life is not sunny and, as you know, there has been a lot of sadness in the village as of late.

So, as we enjoy the sunshine let us remember that there are others who need us to remain in tune with the harder side of life, offering them support and help when the sunshine is not shining for them.

As one lovely old hymn says ‘Jesus bids us shine……in this world is darkness; so we must shine, you in your small corner, and I in mine.’

With love