
I am writing this on the small island of Madeira.  The weather is cloudy and fine – an interesting mix; the people generous and kind.  There are micro-climates which mean it can be overcast in one place but just down the road it is sunny and hot.   Different climates bring arid land alongside lush, green and tropical hillsides.  There is a strip of yellow sanded beach (man-made) alongside the natural black and rocky beach for the locals as well as the visitors to enjoy.

We have journeyed in the cable car to the top of the mountain. We looked down upon mixed housing, whether large or small it was either well maintained or poorly maintained.  All mixed together on the hillside in close proximity to one another.

The poor and the wealthy live alongside one another. And the crime rate is virtually non-existent.  The outboard motors left hooked to the tiny boats they propel are testament to the community of trust that prevails between people.

The restaurants are relaxed and friendly – service with a generous smile, and excellent food.  Nothing too much trouble and yet quiet, relaxed and efficient.

There is little animal life on the island – it takes time to spot a cow, a goat, a cat, a dog!  There are no acres of cereal or plants growing commercially.  Most food appears to be being grown for personal use; much is imported.  Much effort is concentrated on the practical creation of road infrastructure through and around the mountainous island.

Work is undertaken quietly and efficiently.

Yes, modern gadgets exist, phones and tablets included – but they are tools, not life-givers.

I cannot help but wonder how this fine marriage between modern living and traditional God given values could be reintroduced into our own beloved country, bringing peace, life and refreshment to all!

With love
Reverend Ann