Neglecting the Body

I have been growing more and more concerned about the number, and extent of, religious wars that are cropping up.  There seems to be no answer to the conflicts that will create a lasting peace.  All the old ones continue to rumble and new ones just join in.  Each Sunday as we pray for peace the list continues to grow and the horrors that some will go through for their faith just get worse!

I am praying that God will give us a lead as to how we can affect a change in this situation.  It is not good enough to think that it is out of our hands and that we must leave it to the politicians to sort out. If they could, wouldn’t they have done it by now?!

Yesterday, I met a friend that I haven’t seen for the last couple of years. It was lovely to see her and talk to her.  I asked her how the mainstream prison was that she did voluntary work in.  She is a devout Christian and she was active in the prison leading Bible Study groups, Alpha courses, and participated in Victim Awareness courses.  She was a very busy lady.  I visited the prison myself eight years ago and was amazed at the interest shown by the prisoners in Christianity, and the effect it was having on changing their lives around.

Imagine now how I felt when I found out that in this same prison now there is very little Christian leadership available to the inmates.  There is no Chaplain, and no regular priest to lead services.  There have been financial cutbacks to the extent that there are no more Alpha courses, no more rooms available for Bible Study, no more Victim Awareness courses because funds have been cut.  However, there are Imams, a Sikh, a Buddhist, a Swami, a Rabbi and a Pagan leader.  The Christian presence is now a Quaker and a Free Church representative. There is no-one from the mainstream Christian churches.

What should we do?   I believe we should stop hiding our faith and have courage to open our hearts and minds to God together and ask for his will to be known to us and have the confidence to publicly fulfil his purpose.   It is only by placing ourselves at God’s feet to be used for his purposes that a way of peace will be found to bring unity between faiths through respect for each other and the message of love.

Remember that all that is done in love will one day overcome all that is done through hatred.

Today, the Christian body seems less well cared for than that of other faiths.  We drastically underestimate the damage that this is causing – and we must not.

Please join with me in praying for enlightenment, peace and courage in your daily prayer.

With love