Trust Experience

This week I have been on a course in Salisbury entitled ‘Working Together’.  Part of this was looking at dysfunctionality in groups and teams.  The fundamental dysfunction from which all others seemed to emerge is a lack of trust between members.  This made me think about the forthcoming general election and that the public is now, at last, protesting that political parties are generally being very unclear about how their policies will be played out and how the public will be affected.  The only information we really have is our experience of political parties and how their actions have affected not only ourselves and families but wider society in the past.  The question is, which one do we trust most to get this country, and our own livings, back onto an even keel where we can live with confident hope for tomorrow.  How does history inform our decisions?

If we can trust the elected party to lead us with justice and freedom then we will learn commitment to the greater good also; we will learn to have confidence in the leadership and become more able to support the government we choose.  If we trust the leader we are much more likely to cooperate with them and be supportive.  This doesn’t mean there isn’t conflict, there is, but through trust we realise that we are being objective about our aims and trying to bring discussion into our decision making.  It is about ‘Working Together’.

I think we all realise we need to work together in harmony for the greater good.  For me, and other Christians, the tenacity to change the world into one where we can trust one another and care for each other is sustained through the experience of Christ in our own lives.  The unexplainable strength and courage, yes courage to be vulnerable, that comes from God is beyond what is naturally part of us.

So, trust God, and build trust in community.  We cannot exist alone, or grow, without being part of something that is bigger than ourselves, and that involves working at TRUST in relationships with family, friends and others too!

 With love and best wishes always.