Rest and Quiet

Busy, busy, busy!!!   This time of year makes New Year celebrations in January look rather half-hearted and meaningless!   We don’t have the experiences of moving on in quite the same way in January as we do now!   If anything we struggle to find New Year resolutions other than those that say we will not indulge further in good food and wine once January is here!

With regard to education year-ends we can do our endings properly before turning to preparing for the new.   In fact there is at least six weeks to restore ourselves and store up the energy to begin afresh in September/October.   Bliss!   The weather should be warm too which only adds to the feeling of wellbeing and relaxation.

It is a wonderful to have time to prepare for transition!   God specifically said that we must have time off to renew our spirit and recharge our batteries.   If you saw Andy Murray in his third match in the recent Davis couple quarterfinals you would have seen the struggle he had to maintain form on the court because of the fatigue of a packed schedule previously.   We are the same, we cannot give our best without rest and relaxation.   God says so too (that is what the Sabbath was created for!)!

So, enjoy the holidays, make yourself rest and enjoy the summer with family and friends wherever possible.   You will feel so much better for it when it comes to getting back into a routine in September!   Incidentally, the church is a wonderful place to go and ‘be’ in at any time of day – it is so extraordinarily peaceful.   You are unlikely to be disturbed!   Use it!

With love and best wishes always.