Christian Life

November is a time of remembrance and we begin the month by remembering that Christ Church was first used for worship at this time 175 years ago.   The parish has endured many changes since then – many have changed its character during the intervening years as attempts have been made to keep up with modern living and keep the gospel relevant to new generations.

It is the change in character that began my reflection on what is important in a Christian life.   Last Sunday the gospel reading concentrated our minds on Jesus’ lesson to his disciples after James and John asked if they could sit either side of Jesus in God’s kingdom.   Jesus said, that was not for him to grant and told them, in essence, that those who think and act on the needs of others before those of themselves will be first in the kingdom of God whilst those who put their own needs above those of others would be last.

Of course Jesus did this 100% – and died on a cross.   He died between two criminals – one on his left and one on his right – not quite what James and John had in mind!   Jesus died in this way because, I believe, to lead a fight against the opposition would have brought not only bloodshed but would have destroyed relationships.   Jesus chose not to bring heartache on others but to leave the outcome to Father God.   Through love he could not be the cause of broken relationships, loss of hope and hurt.

We are called to do the same; to put others and their needs before our own; to be a servant to all; to lord it over no-one.   Jesus is king in the Christian world – he washed feet, he had dinner with criminals and socialised with prostitutes.   What he did for others made him King of all.

As I look around me I note too that we also judge people when they die by how they revealed themselves in the world, the contribution they made to our own lives and the wider community.   When we have a funeral service we thank God for the good in the person we are commending into God’s arms.   It is the selflessness that we remember that gives us good memories to sustain us into the future.   It is the core character and personality of the person that lasts into the future, and those that serve their neighbour tend to leave a sustaining memory through love acknowledged and treasured.

All good wishes