Peace, Love, Hope and Joy!

The atrocities in Paris are currently in the news.  We have prayed in our churches today for peace and lit a candle for all who are caught up in the devastation; those who are traumatised, those who have died, those who are permanently maimed, those families that grieve – lives that have changed immeasurably.  We also pray for the perpetrators.  We pray they will have a change of heart.  We pray for governments and people of influence that they will want peace and trust in God to lead them into that peace.  As we enter the time of preparation for Christmas a plea for PEACE is uppermost in our hearts.  We also pray for hope, love and joy.

All four are represented in the Advent wreath, one being the focus each week during the countdown to the celebration of Christ’s birth, the one also known as Emmanuel, which translated means ‘God with us’.

Christmas is a timely reminder that God is indeed with us through all that happens here on Earth.  He is the source of our hope and love.  From love comes joy and peace.  To know his presence in our lives we need to trust in his love for all and not be alarmed by the Parisian events, and similar.  It is only by not being alarmed and by listening to God that we will hear what God is saying to us and be able to contribute to creating peace.

On Christmas Day the sound of Peace will be tangible.  All will be still.  This peace is special and one can feel God very close.

This year at the Carol Services the Peace Light will be lit, and where there are Christingles to be given out they will be lit from the Peace Light.  The Peace Light will have travelled from Bethlehem, across Europe to the United Kingdom.  It arrives in the Mid Wilts Scouts Headquarters in Potterne on 14th December where candles will be lit and taken back to the scouting communities.

The Christingles received at the Carol Services can be placed in our homes as a reminder that Christ brings Peace to us from the God who is Father of all.  Our calling is to spread that same Peace to a waiting world.

Please pray for those whose Christmas is already marred with horror and grief and who live in continuous fear of losing their lives, family, homes and livelihood.  Pray that in some small way we answer God’s call to be part of that peace-making exercise.

Wishing you a peaceful Christmas Season.