A New Year. A New Resolution!

After reaching the shortest day on 21 December the days gradually get longer.  I usually notice this just after Christmas, and for me, this is a reminder of the growing light in the world that follows Christ’s entry into the world.  The light that brings the promise of peace,joy and love from God the Father. JDM_0614

This year many of you will have been to Christ Church and seen the Peace Light from Bethlehem glowing in the dim light.  The Peace Light arrived in mid-December having started its journey from the Eternal Flame in The Nativity Grotto in Bethlehem.

As we enter 2016 we look forward to the 30th anniversary of this Austrian initiative which is now the centre of the light being distributed across Europe and to Canada and America.

The Christingles and individual candles for adults were lit from the flame in our Carol Services so that the flame could be extended into our homes.  The light links all together who work for peace.

Mother Theresa said “Peace begins with a smile”.

As we make our New Year resolutions maybe we can carry Mother Theresa’s words in our hearts.  Maybe too we could also vow to not complain, criticise or compare.

As Jimi Hendrix also said “When the power of love overcomes the love of power then the world will know peace”.

Through our commitment to peaceful ways we can change the world.
So, let’s do it!

With love and best wishes for 2016.