
I found an interesting sermon on the internet this month entitled “The 8th Deadly Sin (Proverbs 18:8)” which began…

Who am I?  I have no respect for justice.  I maim without killing.  I break hearts and ruin lives.  I am cruel and malicious and gather strength with age.  The more I am quoted, the more I am believed.  I flourish at every level of society.  My victims are helpless.  They cannot protect themselves against me because I have no name and no face.  To track me down is impossible.  The harder you try, the more elusive I become.  I’m nobody’s friend.  Once I tarnish a reputation, it is never the same. I topple governments and ruin marriages.  I destroy careers and cause heartache and sleepless nights.  I wreck churches and separate Christians.  I spawn suspicion and generate grief, make innocent people cry on their pillows.  Even my name hisses.  I am gossip.(Charles Kimball http://www.preaching.com/sermons/11565825)

Hardly a light Easter message!  If you would like to read the whole article, please follow the link above.

I am quoting this here because it was essentially gossip that brought Jesus to the cross.  It was gossip at its worst.  Malicious gossip resulted in his life being taken by those who had grown to hate him because of it.  Why is it that gossip is so readily believed?  Why does it so rarely get challenged?  Why does the subject of the gossip always hear about it from well-meaning individuals?

Despite Jesus’ many miracles, the gossips negated his good works.  This is one reason why Holy Week is such a solemn time but it is a brilliant opportunity to reflect, repent and build.

This Easter I hope you will celebrate the risen Lord and know that out of all the hatred that led to Jesus’ death, God was able to conquer the malicious tongues.

Christ continues to live amongst us through the Spirit.

God brings justice in many ways – often in the most unexpected ways!

May you overcome the effects of gossip in your own lives through hope and knowledge of God’s love this Easter time if you are unfortunate enough to be aware of gossip surrounding you too.

Best wishes and a Happy and Blesséd Easter.