Space to be Still

May!  The days are getting longer – and warmer we hope.  The light helps us to relax with barbecues and paddling pools and gives us an opportunity to go for a gentle stroll and enjoy the world around us that we so easily miss when we are rushing around from one thing to another.

I hear so many people saying, time goes so quickly, where does it go?

Sometimes, we just have to create a space to be still.  It may be a bench at the bottom of the garden with a cup of tea – or something stronger.  It may be down by the beach; it may be at a retreat centre; it may be just getting away for a night or two in a hotel on your own.  There are many ways to ‘take a break’ to restore the spirit and feeling of wellbeing and to reflect objectively on oneself and one’s context.  Am I the person I am called to be by God, or even – do I perceive that others know me as the person I strive to be?  Do I see others as they want to be seen?

In taking ‘time out’ one can see things differently – suddenly there is light in a situation so that all can move forwards in a positive manner away from problems that have puzzled us for ages and to which we have been unable to find answers that enable, rather than destroy.  This can be particularly useful when it comes to conflict or difference of opinion.

Differences need to be confronted and each party take time to listen to the other with the intention of reconciliation, otherwise much potential is lost for a prosperous relationship.  In fact, if the intent is not there for a positive relationship by both parties, then division can become entrenched and irreversible.

Before things get to that point try to find space to see things differently.  Perhaps, you would like to go away to the bottom of the garden and open your mind to God for his healing and direction, or to just relax and be.

The key is to empty the mind so that new ideas and thoughts may enter and enlighten a situation.

Christ Church is now offering a weekly guided time into meditation beginning on 15th June at 6.30pm.  There is a separate short article on this on page 28 of this magazine.

It would be lovely to see you there.

May you find peace and quiet during the coming months to allow the Holy Spirit to renew the spirit within you to face the joys, opportunities and, sadly the stresses of life in the most positive or ways.
