Summer is Here!

Well, that is how it feels at the moment.  Yes, we are having the odd shower to keep the gardeners happy but, in the main, the warmth and the sun are both welcome visitors!

We have been very fortunate with the fine weather for the Ecumenical fete service and then again the following week for the Pet Service.  No snakes or poorly hedgehogs this time, though we did have a hamster that hid in his ‘house’ until it was time to go home!

We are now looking forward to August.

Edward Lees-Millais will be spending two weeks with me, from 6th August, to gain some experience about the life of a priest in rural communities.  Edward is training to be a priest and lives in London so, the rural community will be, I feel, very quiet for him!

Whilst with us though he has offered to lead a Holiday Club for 5-11 year olds on the 15th August from 10am to 3.30pm.

The theme would be to have fun whilst learning about the real superhero Jesus through Bible stories!

As this is rather a last minute arrangement could anyone interested in bringing their children along let me know please ASAP?

I will then know what size of venue we need and how many adult helpers to confirm.  We will provide lunch for the children so we would need to know of any dietary needs too!  All leaders will be DBS checked.

I do hope that there will be sufficient interest to be able to make this a fun day for all.  Call me to register interest or to just ask questions – 01249 817926.

Please let me know ASAP but, if at all possible, by the 9th August.

Wishing you a restful and revitalising summer!

With love