In the Spirit of Christmas

I am in the Vicarage and the apples have only just begun to drop in any significant number.   How late they are this year!   They really are a false indicator of where we are in the cycle of the seasons.  The clocks will, regardless of what nature might suggest, move us to winter at the end of October!

The season of winter begins with celebrating All Saints, not just those that have been publicly venerated but all those that have passed into the heavenly realms and been beacons of goodness in our own lives.   As November progresses we remember, with love, all those who have fought for our freedom and pray for all those that continue the cause of freedom in the world today.  It is a fight against oppression and persecution that works to take freedom from individuals to live out their own beliefs and customs.   I cannot think of a better time to pray whole heartedly for the Lord to bring peace to the broken world we live in.

At Christmas, we will celebrate the birth of Jesus from over two thousand years ago and remember that he came to bring peace to the earth.   We will pray for a renewal of this Spirit of Peace this Christmas across the world.

Whilst we enjoy the festivities there will be many for whom the joy of Christmas will seem far away.  In particular, the many refugees who have had to flee their homes to safety.  I can’t imagine what this must be like…….

With this in mind, I am hosting a Soup for Syria event at Christ Church from 11.30am to 2pm on Saturday 19th November.  The soup recipes have been provided by chefs from across the world in support of the Syrian Refugees.  All I ask is that you give a donation that I can send to ‘Embrace the Middle East’ to purchase food for families during the festive season and beyond.  I suggest £3 but any sum will be welcome.  All that you give will go to the Appeal.

Make someone’s Christmas very special with your gift!

With love