Christmas 2016 is Nearly Upon Us

You will receive a Christmas card with seasonal wishes and a list of Christ Church’s activities in this magazine issue – I do hope you will note the events in Christ Church!

Sometimes it is difficult to move out of the comfort of our homes into the cold but I assure you that you will receive a warm welcome in Christ Church!  The facilities are excellent – small kitchen, modern loo and plenty of wheelchair space, plus children catered for and, it is all on the flat!

At the beginning of Advent we had a Darkness to Light at Foxham that was for all three parishes that I look after.  We sometimes overlook that, as adults turning our minds to Christmas, to also turn towards Christ returning.  We celebrate his first coming and anticipate his second.  So, we try to ensure we are in a better state of preparation during Advent for his return than we might if we didn’t expect him to come again!

It is lovely to come together in church and especially over Christmas to make a special effort to heal old wounds and bring reconciliation.

It will be lovely to welcome the school into Church this Christmas again.  Of course, Rub-a-dub and the Under 5s too bring an eager liveliness to the church too – there is nothing to compare with seeing the children and their parents comfortable in church, enjoying what is on offer.  We welcome them always wholeheartedly!

On 10th December at 10am we will be putting up the Christmas Tree in Christ Church.  This is the first occasion for families to come together in church over Christmas and it is an exciting time – trying to get a bauble into that space which is just a bit too far away!  Do come!

On 18th December we have a Children’s Carol Service (11am) in which we will welcome the Peace Light from Bethlehem, light the Christingles and make ready the manger for the arrival of baby Jesus on Christmas Eve (3pm). 

The traditional Carol Service is in the evening at 8pm in Christ ChurchMASK will once again perform a Christmas programme on 12th December at 7.30pm in church.  We shall sing carols and listen to Christmas readings and enjoy a mince pie or two!  Let us together welcome the king of peace, love, joy and hope into the world with gusto!  May you know the blessing of Christ’s birth this Christmas time and throughout 2017

With love Ann

PS.  Here are some photos that were taken at the Darkness to Light Service in Foxham. 

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