Butale Project 2017

Butale Project

Firstly, a BIG Thank you to all who donated to the Butale Project. As you can see from the pictures the items that had been collected have been received with thanks.

Miriam Sawyer and a team of volunteers left to go to Butale Uganda on the 4th April, on the trip they were teaching people how to make washable sanitary towels, and simple skirts and shorts. Children were given bags containing toothpaste, toothbrushes and pens and pencils. They handed out dictionaries and school bags for the children too.

Have a look at some of the pictures.

We are still collecting pencils, toothbrushes and toothpaste. There is a box in Christ Church Derry Hill. After Christmas, there will be a new list for items to be taken out again next year.

Once again thank you for making a difference!

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