A New Initiative

As the last day of primary school approaches for Year 6 I am reminded about the end of my own Primary school days.

There is great excitement as one not only contemplates going on holiday but also meeting new teachers, and friends. Today, the new school, teachers and friends are not such a surprise on the first day of term. Prospective new pupils go along for two or three days before the end of their last primary school term to familiarise themselves with the new environment. It all adds to the excitement for September but also allows the anxiety that comes with new beginnings to be less disruptive to the summer holidays.

This change to secondary school is a big step. It is the start of education taking on a new level of seriousness.   Every child knows that before they leave their new school they will be branching out into independence, taking exams that will lead to their eventual livelihood and possibly forging lifelong adult relationships.   The personal development in those 5-7 years is immense and it is with this in mind that I am working with Bob Kenway and Meg Kirby to create a club especially for helping secondary school children through these years of change.

It is a club which will be a safe place for children to come and talk in confidence – a place where they can bring their concerns. It is a place where the church community will reach out to support the youngsters in these formative years.   This support may include educational support as well as emotional support. It will be a place where the church will show God’s love to them through its actions.

Besides all of this it should be a time for sharing some fun, hospitality and discussion on aspects of faith.

To launch this there will be a barbecue on 3rd September, beginning at 7pm.   If you are interested either as a helper or as a young member then do get in touch with me.   I would love to hear from you, and by the time you get in contact with me I should be able to tell you where the barbecue is going to be held too!

With love to all
