Lent Journal – Day 6

Yesterday evening’s keynote lecture by Rt. Rev’d Nicholas Holtam on “Climate Change: Action for Hope” was inspirational and provided much food for thought. One of the initiatives mentioned was ‘Eco Church’- a project to help churches “to express your care for God’s world in your worship and teaching; in how you look after your buildings and land; in how you engage with your local community and in global campaigns, and in the personal lifestyles of your congregation.” Definitely something I’d like to pursue.
In the meantime, Lent is a good time to be more intentional about living well, to ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’.

Creator God, show us how to step gently, how to live simply, how to walk lightly with respect and love for all that you have made.
Empower us to work together as one global community to find creative and just solutions to protect those most vulnerable in our world, and all of creation for future generations. Move us into action to restore and cherish the gift of your creation. Amen.