Lent Journal – Day 10

I hope that your Lenten journey this year is giving you space to reflect, to think, to be, and to see…
Theologian Paula Gooder remembers when her daughters were small and one of them crouches down in a muddy patch of grass dotted with daisies: “‘Look,’ she said, ‘they’ve got pink edges right on the end, and the petals are like a fan and the yellow bit is all furry.'”
Just mud and daisies? No, exquisite beauty…all around us if we take the time to look and really see.

Gooder quotes Saunders Lewis:
“Yesterday I saw a daisy
Like a shining mirror of the dawn.
The day before I walked over it without thought.
Yesterday I saw.”

(Everyday God by Paula Gooder; Canterbury Press 2012)