A New Start

As I write this we are experiencing a really cold spell.   It is a bit of a shock to the system after the mild weather we have been accustomed to over the last few weeks!   As we begin to look forward to a change again to warmer weather we begin to see life making its way through the rain sodden soil and buds forming on the stark bare trees.   Promise of Spring and new life after the darkness of winter are breaking forth!   Wonderful!   It is a mystery…..  Yes, science can tell us how it happens but it is not able to emulate the process from ‘nothing’.

As we reflect on Spring and the wonder of new birth everywhere we begin Lent.   This year it begins on the 22nd February – Easter Day is on the 8th April.

Ash Wednesday begins Lent.   It is so named because the Palms from Palm Sunday of the previous year are burnt to ashes.   They are mixed with holy oil or water and then used to make a cross on the forehead as a sign of repentance for all the wrong that one has done in the previous year.   To place ashes on the head and use sackcloth for clothing are biblical traditions for an outward sign of repentance.   Repentance begins a period of self-evaluating and planning to do better.   You may recall that many make resolutions at the beginning of Lent to give up chocolate or some other luxury and give what they save to charity.   To go without something that we have got used to is difficult and concentrates the mind on what is important. In the case of Lent it is focusing on Christ’s life as one that kept rigidly to following God’s law, even unto death.   We are fortunate in that we know life comes out of death.   Just look at the bare trees in winter and then again in the spring.   Look at the empty flower beds in winter and look again in the Spring.   Life comes, but from where?   It cannot be explained.

At Easter, life comes out of the tomb and we thank God for the promise that it is eternal.

In the six weeks of Lent I will lead a group in Derry Hill in following the Salisbury Diocese ‘Fully Alive’ course.   What does ‘Fully Alive’ mean?   Well, it means that only in allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us do we find ourselves ‘fully alive’ – having confidence, allowing God to renew us when we do wrong things – start again – not allowing ourselves to be driven into self-destruction but allowing God to renew us by taking hold of our lives and reshaping them.

This is what new life is about – starting again – not allowing the world to get on top of you.   If you would like to know more about the Fully Alive course then do get in touch with me!

With every good wish
