Changes (Again)

It is that time again when we prepare and remember change – in education, in perhaps taking a husband or wife, a new career or even retirement!

One of the privileges of being a vicar is to be asked to help with presentations of achievement and to mark the milestones in life that occur.

One such milestone is moving up to secondary school. At the end of term at Derry Hill school I led an emotional service for the Year 6s and presented them with gifts from the school and the church community.  Incidentally, the adults were also emotional, as they also understood and empathised with their children and the challenges they would face.   Change can be difficult and sometimes quite daunting, however, change is necessary for progress and transformation to take place.   It is necessary for us to be able to mature into the person God wills us to be.

As we go through life, the changes that occur, sometimes subtle, sometimes immense are what shape our thoughts and the patterns of our lives. This is true for our physical lives and also for our spiritual lives.  Through the Gospel, we follow the life of Jesus from birth to being an inspirational leader of the masses. Following his vocation, so that we could know the difference a God centred life would have on the quality of life for those around us as well as for ourselves. He gives us the prime example of the attitude we should take with us when we enter a period of change.   Yes, Jesus died on the cross, in the hands of evil, but by being raised on the third day we also know that God is present to ensure victory over evil.   And we can know this whenever we face a crises in our earthly lives.   Each time we feel that ‘the world is against us’ we can know that God is with us.   There is always a way forward – a positive way forward – that is resurrection.   And Jesus being raised from the cross tells us that no problem is too great for God.

All we have to do is to have faith, unburden ourselves to Him and believe in his love for each of us.

So, as we think towards September, let us remember too, that God is always with us willing us on.  He is always there with us, opening doors and opportunities for us, sometimes closing doors too.   But, always remember that God leaves the choice of door to you.   And, if you do choose the wrong one for any reason, then remember too that like the SATNAV he will find another route for you!

Enjoy the wonderful sunshine that I hope we will be still having when you read this!

With love to you all
