Let’s Get Real

It looks like Spring is finally here and so I find myself reflecting on the sheer beauty of flowers as they appear from what seems like nowhere!

As I reflect I recall that my mother has a beautiful display of artificial hydrangeas on her windowsill.  Every time we visit her, my husband Dave makes exactly the same remark: “Those flowers are lasting well! Do you water them every day?”  He’s been saying this now for at least ten years and it appears to amuse him – more than it does everyone else!

They do look incredibly real from a distance.  Close up though you can tell they are not alive and that they have no fragrance.  There are also artificial fruit made from china that look amazingly real but I don’t think they would do me any good!

There is a difference between real and artificial flowers, between real and artificial fruit. Likewise there is a difference between real and artificial or fake faith.

Jesus says:

(Matthew 7:16-17) By their fruit you will recognise them.  Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?  Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.

Jesus is talking about people, not grapes and figs.  He says that real Christians produce fruit.

So what kind of fruit does real faith produce?  Here are some that come to mind:

  • love
  • patience
  • thankfulness
  • kindness
  • peace
  • concern and help for others

Up close the real is easily distinguished from the artificial.  Simple Christian actions may inspire others to join and grow with us as they experience the love of God through our actions.

Let’s hope we can all now enjoy some wonderful spring weather and bask in the love of God at the same time.  I hope to see you in Church.

With love