Church House - 30, Church Street, Calne, SN11 0HU.
Mrs Ann Stiff, our Team Administrator can be contacted by:
Or you can call into the office.
Team Rector - Rev Caspar Bush. 01249 914364. e-mail:
Team Vicar Rev Sarah Errington. 01249263430.
Steven and Jenny Colby:
Newsletter Editor -
If you are visiting any of our Churches:
St Mary's is in Church Street, Calne - it is the largest building with an imposing tower.
Holy Trinity is at the beginning of Quemerford - just next door to Holy Trinity Academy behind a row of trees
St Peter's is at the other end of Quemeford, on the right, just opposite the turning to The Willows on the left. St Peter's is down a small lane, but there is a noticeboard by the road.
Christ Church Derry Hill is on Church Road in Derry Hill, on the right after rounding the corner having turned off from the A4.
St Martin's Bremhill is at the heart of Bremhill on the south side of the road that runs through the heart of the village.
St John the Baptist, Foxham is on the eastern corner of the junction signed between Hilmarton, Christian Malford and Dauntsey.
We are part of the Benefice of Marden Vale