Calne and Blackland PCC

The PCC is the 'management committee' of our Parish and meets approximately 6 times a year. 

Current members are:

Ex-Officio: Enid Powell (Licensed Lay Minister),Steve Keighley (Churchwarden),  Jonathan Billings (Churchwarden), Caroline Williamson (Churchwarden), Lucy Hemmings (Churchwarden)  Caspar Bush, Sarah Errington

Deanery Synod Representatives: Stan Anniss, Mary Pilcher-Clayton,

PCC Members: Richard Aldhous, Jack Robinson, Graham Spencer,  Kevin Wells, David Munday,  Jane Ridgwell,  Kathryn Miller, Deirdre Aldhous, Eddie Sims, Mary Pilcher-Clayton

Click HERE to see the annual report and account for 2023


Minutes of the Meeting of Parish of Calne & Blackland Parochial Church Council (PCC)


Wednesday 20th November 2024 – 7.30pm - Church House




  1. Welcome, Prayer, Apologies

The meeting opened with prayer.

Present: Richard Aldhous, Stan Anniss, Jonathan Billings, Caspar Bush, Rose Cooper, Alex Grenfell, Kathryn Miller, Jane Ridgwell, Kevin Wells, Steve Keighley, Lucy Hemmings, Eddie Sims

Apologies: Deirdre Aldhous, Steven Colby, Jenny Colby, Mary Pilcher-Clayton, Caroline Williamson, Jack Robinson, Graham Spencer, Sarah Errington

In Kate Powell’s absence the minutes were taken by JB

  1. Minutes of previous meeting

Minutes from 11th September were approved without comment.

Living in Love & Faith – no further comments following the agreement reached in the meeting.

  1. Finance: Treasurer’s report.
    1. Treasurer’s Report

Figures were circulated prior to the meeting.

Following a question it was noted that there was a positive response following the letter that was sent asking for people to reconsider their giving.

    1. Parish Share Scheme

This is a radical reworking as it takes into account the cost of ministry (60%) and the rest relates to the numbers in the worshipping community (40%). This means small populations face a big increase, so the process is being staged over 4 years. Benefices can adjust numbers between parishes provided that the total is the same. Weddings and funeral fees are now reflected in the process so a proportion of the fees are credited in the following year’s share. Bremhill has had a number of funerals recently and has a credit whereas Foxham had no funerals and no credit whilst being denied the use of the clergy who are spending time at Bremhill. Therefore some readjustment may be necessary. CB to collate figures and consider thereafter.

    1. Fees at weddings and funerals for vergers, organists, heating, bells etc

At the Benefice Churchwarden’s meeting it was discussed and proposed that these be adjusted for inflation. Except for the bells which will remain the same (essentially for ease of disbursement to the ringers).

Fees for 2025: verger £43. Organist £90

  1. St Mary’s Tower Roof – update.

Due to be finished by the end of November. Work still in progress on the pilaster. The quote for the weed extraction is still outstanding. Still within budget though some contingency has been used.

  1. St Mary’s reordering – next steps (see minutes and paper from 24Oct24, also DAC report from August visit)
  1. CB agreed to present to the congregation (17th November). This happened and was well received. No adverse comments have been received.
  2. DAC feedback has been chased and received. The report was that the changes are not contentious.
  3. Begin to formalise approach to statutory agencies at this PCC
  4. Form 2 sub-committees: Detailed Planning and Fundraising

RA has agreed to head up the detailed planning group.

Fundraising group: CB has agreed to head this up to get it off the ground. RA is willing to help. Professional fundraisers might be worthwhile for big applications as their expertise with the processes could pay for themselves. JR is willing to share her expertise, starting with getting the name of the people that Doorway use.

How to get more on board? Numbers required: 4 to 6 each seems appropriate. Anyone interested (definitely including the congregation) should go to RA/CB indicating their willingness to serve. KW willing to join fundraising group.

Include in Music & Arts Festival 2025. RA & CB to work on presentation?

Serena Boase has lots of photos. John Osbourne has cuttings from Wiltshire Gazette which may be useful.

  1. Thoughts on whether FOSM should be included in the fund raising. Some people will give to FOSM but not to the church. Those who are not faith-driven may be put off if they feel they are not able to give indirectly.

RA indicated that there is a document on which organisation will give for which causes. There are other resources such as the directory of grant giving organisations. Specific targeting of groups might avoid irritating ambivalent individuals.

There is a lot of work required to move from the plans we have to a plan of work. There is an associated cost with this. The first step is create a pathway (with tentative timeline) for the works required.

After 10am service 19th January – another presentation to show where the process has reached. Architects to be asked for costs for more detailed plans and indicative costs.

  1. Considerable thought required on getting Town Council on board. CB wrote, just prior to this meeting, to the Town Mayor, Chief Exec and Deputy Officer asking to speak to the Town Council. No reply yet received.
  2. Give A Little page to be set up by GS
  1. Offer of funding for new amplifier and microphones at St Mary's

An offer of funding has been received. We need to improve the audio whilst not changing the infrastructure (i.e. speakers). CB, RA & JB to pursue.

  1. Buildings and churchyards
    1. St Peter’s
    2. Holy Trinity
    3. Church House
    4. Holy Trinity churchyard.
  2. Music director / junior choir – update.

Gareth Bennett is in place for a 6 month interim term (until May 2025). GB is expecting, when we advertise for a youth choir director, we also include the Director of Music post as an all-in-one option. This means we can capture those who are interested in just the youth choir direction or those that can do both.

Maybe we should advertise via Grapevine.

CB has indicated the possibilities of a youth choir with some of the church schools and has received some positive responses.

  1. Towards a new electoral roll (new ER officer required)

An entirely new roll is required for 2025. Liz Roberts is standing down but has some ideas for her replacement. CB has drafted a note which would go to those on the current roll encouraging them to complete a new form. The timetable for the process is prescribed and will be outlined in the new year.

  1. Benefice website status

The websites for the Parish and the Benefice are now one and the same. Any inaccuracies, omissions and additions should be pointed to Ann Stiff, JR or JB.

  1. Safeguarding

Report from ES received. DBS checks every 3 years. Training is ongoing also on a 3 year cycle. ES outlined the process to report historic cases direct to ES who would pass that on to the diocese.

ES will make 20 additional copies of the Safeguarding Guide.

PCC agreed to sign off the Policy for 2025.

ES has created a Concerns List of vulnerable. Anyone knowing of anyone that might need help should pass the name to ES.

Proposed ES, Seconded KW. All in favour.

  1. Prayer & Discipleship 

Advent resource underway.

Creed courses have happened and well received. 6 weeks format works well. Much appreciated.

If anyone wants to have an ‘at home’ group then CB is happy for them to carry one.

  1. Children & Young people’s groups / schools.

Alison Keighley and Alice Bush will head up a new Sunday club in Church house once a month, with Louise Steele assisting (1st Sunday of the month), dropping off on the way into church and then coming in for communion.

  1. Partnership of churches

Stall at the Christmas Lights Switch On 12-6. Nativity dressing up as per last year.

Leaflet of Christmas services produced.

  1. Deanery Synod

Hasn’t met since last PCC.

Pattern Church (Swindon) has a former curate who has a passion for outreach in RWB. Diocese approved, using Church Commissioners development fund funding. Probably in a school. Aimed at: Under 40s, lapsed attendees and those who’ve never been. Bishops Mission Order has been set up across the deanery. Lyneham is a possible next step as it has lots of young people.

  1. Christmas Charity

Suggestions: Christian Aid, Water Aid, Rise Trust (Spurgeon’s), Home Start North Wiltshire, Salvation Army.

PCC agreed to support Water Aid. Proposed JR, seconded KW.

Agreed with 2 abstentions.

  1. Date of future PCC meetings

30th January

27th March

5th June

4th September

6th November

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