Thank You!!

Heartfelt thanks to Lord Lansdowne for providing such a magnificent tree for our Christmas celebrations in Christ Church.

And thanks particularly to the men who risked their lives putting it up and to the army of children supervised by Claire Satchell who did such an excellent job of decorating it.

Thanks too to everyone who decorated the church and made the Christingles and to Stephen and his team who provided refreshments for the many events that took place over the Christmas period.

Thank you to Carol Rigby and the choir who put so much effort into leading our Carol Singing and Christmas Music.

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Finally, without the support of the Churchwardens and Deputy Churchwardens it would have been very difficult to achieve so much in such a short time.

On a slightly different note, thank you to Stephen for organising our Christmas Raffle and to everyone who donated prizes and bought tickets.

I wish you all a very Happy New Year.
Reverend Ann