We are now well into 2016!

In a few days we will be entering the period of fasting and penance as Lent begins very early this year on the 10th February.  We have hardly had time to draw breath from the Christmas celebrations before preparing ourselves for another, even greater, celebration – Easter!

I look outside and the weather is still relatively mild, snowdrops are at least a month early and daffodils are in bloom in pockets of shelter!  Will there be any daffodils in bloom for Mothering Sunday on the 6th March?!

The seasons are changing and the climate is becoming unpredictable.

There is once again a growing awareness of environmental change and the disasters such changes bring not just to people in faraway countries but to our own as well – as can be seen in the flooding and devastation of homes in the northern counties.

We are reminded to care for our environment with a jolt when we suffer ourselves from the changes.  Our Diocesan Bishop, Nicholas, is leading the church’s response for the Church of England and calls for our support to work in harmony with nature as God delegated us to do.  http://www.salisbury.anglican.org/news/bishop-of-the-planet

As we approach Lent perhaps we can resolve to take an action or two to cut down on our use of products that contribute to the problems for the environment.  Can we cut down on the packaging we use, can we use our dishwashers less by filling them up before turning them on, or perhaps even washing up by hand!  Could we use less chemical fertiliser in our gardens?  Could we make more of our own food from natural ingredients rather than processed foods with added preservatives and packaging?

These are only a few ideas that spring to mind.  With more reflection I am sure there are many other ways we could contribute to keeping a safe environment for ourselves and future generations.  Perhaps you would like to share some of your ideas with others?  If you would, why not send them to the editor for printing in this magazine so others can use them as well!

If we all try to do a bit more than we already do it will make a difference!  Remember, from little acorns great oak trees grow.

Best wishes